May 5th 2007 is National Scrapbooking Day (well it is in America!). A couple of the UK magazines have decided to adopt the day as our own & I have to say I completely agree. So in honour of the great day we have decided to hold ..... The Scrapbooking Weekender!
Saturday will be a veritable feast of make n takes, demos, free draws & beginner's intro sessions. All day during normal trading hours (10-5) - so pop in, try your luck for a freebie or two & maybe make something or learn something new!!
Sunday brings a whole day of cropping: tea & toast followed by a cropping session in the morning; tea & cake followed by a cropping session in the afternoon. Kits will be available to purchase - or you can bring your stash along & do your own thing. There will, of course, be a few spot prizes up for grabs & an optional raffle. Spaces are limited so you'll need to book for this one!! Telephone the shop to book.
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